Our son JG had his first Rugby Union season this year. On his last game he sustained an injury to his knee where he hyper-extended it. That was on the Friday, by Sunday morning it was “really painful” and he told me “there is no way that I can run on this at the state athletics carnival on Wednesday”. We said to him, we’ll go to church this morning and have you prayed for. That is what happened, he was prayed for by a small group of people, he was sitting down. Pastor Brian told him to move it around then to stand up, which he did. Later that day he realized that there was “no pain” and he could run on it as normal. The athletics carnival is tomorrow and he is “pumped and ready to run”.
I had to get on a plane to come home from Indonesia and I felt really sick. I said ‘No I will not receive this’. Soon after I coughed up a lot of ugly stuff and immediately felt fine. I give Jesus credit for healing me.
I was up on a ladder trimming some trees and I felt the Lord say to me tie the ladder to the tree before you do anything else. So I did. A few minutes later, a branch swung down and knocked the bottom of the ladder out. I was fine and didn’t fall.