C3 Kids Church
Every Sunday during the morning service, our children's church caters to Primary school-aged children. They will have heaps of fun and grow in their love of Jesus and knowledge of the Bible.
Our Kids Church Leader Jo Shumack
Phone Jo Shumack: 0458 004 632

C3 Youth
To set people ablaze for Christ Jesus, free from the bondage of sin, delivered and empowered to fulfill their God’s divine purpose and high calling in God.

C3 Tamworth Everywoman

1. Be God’s Champion 2. Exemplary Leaders 3. God’s Generals
1. To Be Part of God’s Project To Build His Church
2. That We May Know Him
3. Forum to Encourage One Another In Our Christian Race/Growth (Be Your Brother’s Keeper)
We hold breakfasts, bush retreats, events and small groups to help men grow in character, in relationships, in leadership roles and in their Christian faith.
Contact Moses: 0469 574 252 to find out about our next event.
There are many other ministry areas in C3 Tamworth. We always welcome people who want to serve in our church community. Here are some areas where you can volunteer: worship/music, production, and media, gardens and grounds, kitchen and hospitality, hosting team, etc.