If it wasn't for Jesus of Nazareth, there would be no Christianity. Jesus is what it is all about. 2000 years after his death, more people follow him than any other, billions in fact!
So, did he actually exist?
Yes, definitely.
Who was he?
He was a Jew, whose father was a house-builder. At 30, he started a public speaking life and 3 years later, in a trumped up trial, the Romans killed him, spurred on by jealous religious leaders.
What made so many love him, and some people hate him?
He said he was the prophesied saviour, the fulfilment of many Jewish prophecies from centuries before.
He claimed to be the Son of God; God come to earth in the flesh.
He said he was the only way to God. Full stop. Without apology, he said he was the only way, the truth, the life, the door, the good shepherd, the light of the world and many more massive claims. He was either crazy, deceived, a con-artist or....he was who he said he was!
So did he do anything to prove these claims?
Yes! He was a profound teacher. He was an astounding miracle-worker. He demonstrated authority over sickness, demons, over nature and death itself! He brought life, hope and healing to many people.
He prophesied his own death and resurrection, and it happened! Hundreds of people saw him. No prophet or teacher or spiritual leader in history has ever done that!
The last time he was seen he just rose up into the clouds. Many people saw this.
How did people react to him?
They either rejected him as a madman, heretic or dangerous deceiver; or they believed in him and followed him and his teachings. Millions who follow and who still do today, will testify that he is everything he claimed to be, transforming their lives.
If you want to investigate more about Jesus, please contact us.